Monday, April 11, 2011

Raining in the morning

yahahaha. huy guys. I guess all of you loves "freedom" don't you? so do I. so, this time I use the library's computer for post this. kwkwk. :p
here we go!

today is Monday. and every Monday I must wake up early, because of 1 subject called "Kemuhammadiyahan". the lecturer won't give us permission if we came late up to 10 minutes from 7.30.

actually it's nothing, but do you know what? every Monday morning in Jogja is always raining! and that's the problem! :(

I must wake up in the cold, take a bath in the cold too, wear clothes in the cold, and sure go to the campus in cold and rain. and I hate it! it will make my pants and my shoes get wet. huhu. :(

if it happen, I must wash my pant after the lecture end. it will make me tired, after that I'll fall asleep. :(

woa I must go back to the class. see you!

1 comment:

  1. cie ujan2..
    bsk2 pke jas uja+payungan+pake spatu boots
    djamin kering!
