Monday, April 25, 2011

Me vs Modem

ihiks. ihiks. guys.. my modem is broken *ew..*, I mean it can't be used again.. huhu. that's way I can't post frequently. T.T

it just for all of you who use smart as your internet modem, smart was closed it internet program since middle of April. and you know what? I am one of that unlucky customer. I buy pulse on 5th April, and since that day, I can't use it too. error error and error. I feel upset, it's a big big big problem I ever had. yeah, since that day, I never meet internet. :'( how poor I am.

yah, now smart change it internet program. maybe it was busted ya? so now, smart cooperate with fren as a new internet service. I swear, I never searching for smart or something like that for my internet vendor again! I swear!!!

now, I am saving my money for buy a new modem. and I trust AHA for my new internet vendor. I've prove it by myself and I'm sure it's my best choice. yah total price of this modem is Rp 499.000,- and my money now is Rp 300.000,-. hope next month I can buy it.. amin.. amin.. amin.. :) (pray for me ya guys..)

woops, the time is up. now I must go to a meeting *ew.. hahaha*. see you soon guys! mwah. :*

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