Friday, March 11, 2011

Body Mass Index

huy guys. what's up? :D okay, yesterday I've done OSCE and yah I don't know what must I feel. but definitely I'm not satisfied with that. :( but life must go on, right? :)

oh ya, I wanna ask something. do you ever feel that you are very thin? or you ever think that you are more fat than your friends? actually I always think that I'm too thin. I do anything to boost my weight up.. my friends said that I've eat a lot of food in a day. and they said that I've drink a lot of milk too in a day. but why I can gain my weight? how poor I am..

one day, my lecturer teach us about nutrition. and in this lesson, there is one topic that very interested me. what is it? it is about Body Mass Index. Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal. We can calculate our Body Mass Index with this one :

and the explanation of the result can be seen at this :
Category BMI range – kg/m2

Severely underweight less than 16.0

Underweight from 16.0 to 18.5

Normal from 18.5 to 25

Overweight from 25 to 30

Obese Class I from 30 to 35

Obese Class II from 35 to 40

Obese Class III over 40

when I calculate my BMI, I've found that my BMI is normal! hihi. my body weigh is 45 kg and my height is 155 cm (yeah I know how short I am..). ah I'm so happy! I'll keep my body healthy. I won't eat over food and over milk again. and if I can, I will try to do some exercise. :)

c'mon girls and boys, calculate your Body Mass Index and don't forget : always try to do healthy life style from now! ^^

picture and data source : Wikipedia